About Me

Austin, Texas, United States
I'm Caitlin, I'm 20, I attend UT as a neurobiology major and I'm a libertarian even though, according to the political ideology quiz I'm an enterpriser. I do support gay marriage and I'm not a supporter of the war in the Middle East. Other than that, enterpriser seemed to agree with me. Some of my political influences are Ayn Rand, Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Debra Medina and Bob Barr. I voted in the 2008 presidential election for Bob Barr and plan on voted for Debra Medina in the 2010 Texas Gubernatorial primaries. I'm taking this class because it's required for all Texas graduates. I hope to hear other's opinions that are logical and well thought out. I love discussing politics, with any ideology, as long as it doesn't turn into a shouting match or accusation central. I got 86% on the civics quiz and got 6/12 on the current events quiz.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Review on Proposition 8 Ruling

Classmates Blog

Wow, I had no idea that Judge Walker overruled the majority. Although I completely support gay marriage, I believe that when the American people speak, they've spoken. He definitely should not have overruled them. This "I know better" attitude is exactly what we need to avoid as our country continues to grow and become more dependent on federal government. If politicians start overruling what we vote for, our country will lapse into tyranny. I total agree with with the Judge says, that banning gay/lesbian marriage is unconstitutional, which might be why he feels like it's okay to overturn the decision of Californians, but he definitely should have gone about it in a more lawful way. With such a close vote and liberal population, it might have been easier and less bloody to call for a revote. Overstepping the constitution and the foundations of American democracy is no way to go about solving another unconstitutional problem. It shows blatant disregard for the system, the constitution and the people of California. His cause is just, but because of the unlawful actions he took, he may have set the gay/lesbian community back even farther.

Possible ramifications may not be good in either camp. Politicians may start to believe that they have more power than they do and start overruling the citizens more frequently. People also might be so enraged by Walker overstepping his bounds that they will vote against the banning of proposition 8, or similar propositions just to "show him" or put him in his place. In any case, as soon as our politicians start thinking it's okay to go against the vote of American citizens our country will go into chaos and we will officially have lost our coveted democracy. No matter how just the cause might be, opposition need to be done the right way so that you can feel good about the victory afterwards and know that the support of the people is behind you. Stealing the crown is no way to become king.

Most people know what they want and if the government goes through the motions of calling a vote, they need to stick with the results.

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